Our Projects

Bible Broadcast
Help Spoken Word of God have a stronger and louder voice for God around the World. Your financial support will buy more broadcast time, produce more language narrations of the Bible for broadcast, help us add staff, and enable us to involve even more Christians in reaching the “uttermost parts of the world”. Your support also enables us to help native Christians plant churches and train pastors in countries where a Western missionary is not allowed.
Consider what God would have you give to help SWOG accomplish this most important task which God has set before each and every one of us that know Him.
Bible College/Preacher Boys
Our Bible Colleges in India have graduated well over 250 students in our 4-year Bible college program. Our annual graduation takes place in the Spring of each year, and with God’s grace, your prayers, and support, this mission will continue.
These graduates become national pastors and form congregations in many of the villages and remote areas of India. The Gospel is making its way to places you and I cannot go because of the call God on the lives of our Bible college students.
The students need $125 a month to provide their tuition, board, food, and personal needs. Con you sponsor

Cow Project
A cow becomes a source of additional income for a national pastor and his family. How is possible, you might ask???
The Spoken Word of God will purchase two or three cows, and these cows are given to the Pastor for care so that the he might sell the milk to the government. This also provides the Pastor and his family personally with plenty of milk and butter.
When male offspring is born, the Pastor may elect to kill and eat it, or sell the male cow.Total SPONSORSHIP for a cow is $575. Please donate today to continue this worthy project.
Building Churches
The need for church buildings and places of worship for new converts is a blessing indeed!
Many have come to Christ, and now these national Pastors and their converts desire a place to gather and worship to the glory of God!
The Spoken Word of God has had the privilege of constructing 83 churches with help of our donors and church-sponsored efforts. The heat and torrential rains make it difficult to worship out in the open.
Thank you for considering how you or your church collectively could help sponsor the building of a church in India. A smaller church building can be constructed for $18,000.

Well Project
The people of India need clean water to drink. The Spoken Word of God, with help of your sacrificial gifts, will assure that this project continues to be a reality.
These wells not only provide clean drinking water, but as the village people gather around a well, located on a church property, and fill their water vessels, they are introduced to the Gospel, and the
One who is the Living Water!
A well costs $2,000. Please pray and consider how you can give that others can drink clean, pure water!
Thank you for considering how you or your church collectively could help sponsor the building of a church in India. A smaller church building can be constructed for $18,000.