What's New
Click on article date below to see testimonies
First of all, I give thanks to God for his grace and protection throughout this month. “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness”.
I would like to share with you the ministry report of December.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS: This month has been the busiest month for us because we had Christmas programs along with our regular schedule. By God’s grace, we were able to conduct Christmas programs in 5 different villages:
- Gopannapalem – on 13th
- Somavarappadu – on 15th
- Gangannagudem – on 17th
- Sri Bhagyanagar – on 20th
- Galayagudem – on 22nd
All of our students participated in these meetings. We preached the true meaning of Christmas in these villages. Three of our students by the names, Rambabu, Nallayya and Varam shared their salvation experience. A few of our students presented biblical Christmas songs. It was really effective and people were blessed by God’s word. After the prayer meeting on 20th, two members came to me and professed their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. We praise God for the power of his word.
December 2021

OUTREACH MINISTRY: We went for an outreach program on 23rd and 24th of this month. By God’s grace, we were able to cover 4 villages with the gospel of the grace of God. We passed out gospel tracts door to door and personally witnessed 28 people. We have clearly explained to them the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And, we preached in their streets that only the blood of Christ can cleanse them from all their sins. We Praise God that 3 members confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord for his saving work!
CHRISTMAS SERVICE We had a prayer meeting on 24th at 10 PM and it went on till 1 AM. We had Christmas service on 25th at 10:30 AM and it went on till 1:30 PM. Our students also participated along with our church members in these programs. We had some good singing, sharing testimonies, memory verses and the preaching of God’s word. All these meetings went very well for the glory of God.
THANKS: We are so thankful to you for praying and helping us to learn the true doctrines of God’s word. Thank you so much for all your efforts. Please convey our heartfelt thanks and regards to the sponsors who donate funds for us. We Praise God for their labor and generosity. We are praying for all of you everyday both morning and evening.
- Please pray that our students may be rooted and grounded in God’s word.
- Please pray that the Lord may use our Institute to win many souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.
On behalf of our students and staff, we wish you “BELATED HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND BLESSED NEW YEAR 2022”.
Thank you,
Teachers and Students of EBI
December 2021

I am one of your constant listener to your radio program. Your broadcast has open my eyes to the truth about Jesus. Last week in November, when I knelt down and offer my life to Christ. I was saved and felt happiness returning in my life.
I really love your program. Indeed it is a very good broadcast and its encourage us to study the Word of God. The word of God is a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet. Your teaching is powerful and it brings incites to man’s problems and solution.
I am from a muslim background and never knew Jesus. I have been following your programs for years now on the air and through listening it transform my believe pattern and I am now worshiping God through Jesus Christ his only begotten son.
After listening to your preaching for some time I have some to the point that I need Jesus in my life. My life has been wasted without Christ and I want to give him my life that I may be save. Please keep praying with me as I go through this difficult time.
I felt the peace of god from your preaching because I almost felt like God was forgetting me for the difficulties I was going through in my life. But from your program I gain my spiritual and physical strength in it.
Thank you so much for your support of radio. At first it was very hard for us to listen to the radio because we are refugees but when this radio reach us I learned a lot from this person who can not forgive. One day I am being listened to this radio Program that was on. I got the impact of not forgiving. It change my life from there up to now. I feel real free the program on this radios are so wonderful thank you much.
I am a 46-year-old single mother living in a refugee camp. God is really good. I am uneducated Person. I don’t attend any class in my life. I can not read and write, but this radio help me. I can hear the audio Bible in the local language, right now as am speaking. I can share the words from this radio. Also when temptation comes on my way the words from this radio always give me the way forward, this help me to guide my children with the word of God and they listen to me. I am feeling like my husband is alive. i give glory to God and all the hand who give this radio.
I am Jack 15 year old. This radio came in at the right time. I and our family members attend Church on this radio because churches are not meeting. This helps me know how to read my local language. I am following it from oral and my online classes have become very easy for me. Thank you.
I am James and I live in a refugee camp and am a farmer. I give thanks the support given to us. At first it was a hard moment for me to share the word of God with other friends of mine but this radio made an available chance to share the words in the field. I use to move with this radio on my neck and I put it on while working the lord has saved two of my friends. Thank you so much.
I am in the Baratuku refugee camp praying with Baptist Church. I give thanks to God and the people who give this radios. I need to share what has happened to me three months back, am being struggled with a hard ships in the family every one leave me alone am about to make the wrong decision in my life ie ( killing myself) immediately something came in mind to Put the radio on. I got one of the Pastor sharing the word of God that says the Lord will keep his people whether bad or good that give me consent to stand , I started following from the audio Bible in my local language book of Matthew, Luke John and the letter of Apostle Paul wrote that encouraged me a lot even at night I kept listening to the radio. Thank you for your support.
I have been saved for 5 years and through the years, I have come to realize that God has a purpose for me. I know that sometimes challenges are there but his Word if my fortress. I have found peace in salvation that I never enjoyed when I was living the world life. I will forever trust in God and live to wait upon him.
It’s our privilege and honour to share the ministry report of October with you. We thank God for his grace and protection throughout this month. We thank you so much for your prayers and support. We are praying for you and the sponsors’ every day for your concern and care for us.
By God’s grace, we completed all the syllabus of first semester subjects. We conducted first semester final exams from 11th – 15th October. Before exams, one week was given to the students for preparation. Students have studied hard and did their best in these exams. They have memorized scriptures very well and their performance was really good. We are so glad and excited to see that most of the students have done well in these exams. We thank God that they have understood and learned the subjects.
October 2021

We wanted to go for an excursion on the 16th (as it is common in the semester gap), but we could not go because of Covid situation in our area. We wanted to be on the safe side and avoid all the unnecessary risks.
By God’s grace and your prayers, we have started the second semester from 18th of this month. We are teaching the following new subjects according to our curriculum. We have a total of nine subjects.
- Rajesh is teaching 5 subjects
- Systematic Theology – II
- Basic Bible Doctrines – II
- Perfecting the Saints – II
- Church History – II
- The Book of Acts
- Johnson is teaching 2 subjects
- New Testament Survey
- Historical Books
- Suvarna Raju is teaching 2 subjects
- Life of Christ – II
- Cults
Please continue to pray that the Lord may give us wisdom to teach these subjects in a way that students could understand well and learn the true doctrines of God’s Word.
Students are faithfully taking devotions both morning & evening, doing all their assignments, attending the classes regularly, learning new songs & sermons. We give much priority to prayer and God’s Word. I am so happy to say that the students are well disciplined.
Prayer request: Please pray for one of our students by the name Ch. Nallayya. He is suffering from fever, headache and body pains. He is taking medicine. Please pray for God’s healing.
All the students and teachers convey their thanks & regards to you for praying and helping us to continue our studies. This Bible Institute is a great blessing to all of us. Many new admissions are ready because people know that the true doctrines & discipline are taught here.
Once again, thank you so much for all your prayers and kind help. We are praying for all of you every day. Please continue to pray for us.
Thank you,

2021 Update
The Spoken Word of God has endeavored to navigate through this Covid-19 year like other missionaries and ministries. All of our original thoughts and plans for mission trips and Pastor training conferences in India and elsewhere were altered again and again as the year progressed and the virus continued. But, we would be reminded of the words in Romans 10:18 of how for 40 years we have steadfastly maintained our mission, “But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.” and then “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) So, we continue in our assignment that God has given us!
Since the 1970’s, the heartbeat of our ministry has been to broadcast the Bible! THIS MISSION HAS NOT CHANGED! Today our Bible programs are on over 1,000 stations globally. We have produced and aired our Spoken Word broadcast in ENGLISH, SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, KOREAN, PORTUGUESE, ARABIC, CHINESE, URDU, HINDI, TELUGU, TAGALOG, HEBREW, ROMANIAN, HUINGARIAN, UKRAINIAN, RUSSIAN, JAPANESE, AND GREEK aired by AM, FM, shortwave and internet.
We broadcast the BIBLE – straight up – no commentary – no documentary – no doctrinal spin – not watered down, just the POWERFUL, HEART CHANGING, NON-COMPROMISING WORD OF GOD into a land in need. Matthew 5:16 says that we are to shine our light where the darkness seems overwhelming.
Before noon, every day, twice daily, The Spoken Word of God has broadcast our Arabic Bible into Syria, Israel, Turkey, Northern Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Iraq. Please pray for churches in a dangerous position of broadcasting in downtown Baghdad. About 12 million people have access to this Christian station alone. We also recently began broadcasting on a Christian station covering all of Mosel, which you know is biblical Ninevah.
Because of much of the areas that we broadcast to, we do not get great amounts of letters from listeners giving us lots of feedback. But, we stand on God’s promise that It will accomplish the purpose for which It was sent! (Isa.55:11)

The potential listening audience of the countries in the listening area is just over 400 million.
“We are excited to announce that we have now started a 24-hour English Christian television channel broadcasting to the four English speaking States of North East India; Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Manipur through cable, routed through the local cable operators. These are the only official English speaking States in India. Officially the people are Christians. Almost all the tribes from principally animist and folk religion traditions existed before the gospel reached them 150 years back but unfortunately a majority of them are name sake Christians now. The majority of the population are Baptists and Presbyterians. Our aim is to reach every home in these states with the pure word of God. Our main plan is to have at least 20% viewership in these four states initially and later to an extent of 50% through our programs which would be roughly around 5 million at the peak level (apart from Roku in the USA). We are not comprising on the content as our primary focus is soul winning. These people are not completely new to the gospel like other parts of India. They need to come back to the Lord. If we can reach these people first, it would be little easy for us to reach the people of Myanmar, Nepal, China and Bangladesh who have borders with these States.
ACB can be viewed on Roku network in the USA. ACB is listed under Religious, Faith and Family & Kids sections on Roku Network which has one of the largest connections in the USA.
ACB Channel can be viewed on the website as www.acbc.tv On YouTube as Channel acb and other social media platforms.
ACB is available on Android mobiles and the app in the Google Play Store and can be downloaded as ACB Channel. ACB will be on IOS very shortly.
We need Pastors who can give us four, 30 minute messages per month aired minimum 3 times each for pennies on the soul.
Please contact Marilyn Turney and The Spoken Word of God for information on utilizing this powerful instrument to win the lost.”
Manoj Kumar

In 2013, at the sweet age of 90, my father founded our second Bible college, Emmanuel Bible Institute, in India and to the Glory of God we just had our 3rd graduation of “preacher boys” who have now established local churches over 9 states in India. My earthly father and precious mother were blessed to see the fulfillment of answered prayer from heavenly bleachers! This most recent graduation was held on August 30, 2020 at Grace Baptist Church in Eluru.
We have now seen over 300+ “preacher boys” graduate better equipped to pastor, plant churches and serve with sound doctrine and fundamental training. I gave their Commencement Address via Zoom in Orlando.
Pray for the Covid situation in India. The graduates are just coming out of lock-down and able to leave Eluru and go to their villages to start or work in churches. India is experiencing a huge number of coronavirus cases and trying to maintain social distancing, etc. Given India’s rudimentary healthcare system, it is a miracle that more people have not died than the approximately 150,000. Many of the victims’ relatives said there were so many missed opportunities to cure the infected. Here is one of the pictures that Manoj sent to me that was in their local paper. Please be in much prayer for the souls of those throughout India!

Radio and Television are instruments that can cross boundaries to get the way of salvation to people in closed countries and The Spoken Word of God broadcasts the pure Word of God – the instrument God uses to produce saving faith in the human heart. Romans 10:17
We are serious about reaching the whole world for Christ. If so, we must have a plan to reach that part of the world where we cannot now send missionaries – where the need is the greatest, and the lost abound, and there is no one to tell them – where the darkness is staggering.
Thank you for making The Spoken Word of God your missionary partner with your support so we can help you win souls where no missionary can now go in person!
In Christ,
Marilyn Turney